Minggu, 26 Juli 2020

Historical of Microsoft Logo - English task of DKV UMT

Microsoft Corporation is an American technology company headquartered in Redmond, Washington, that supports the invention, manufacturing, and licensing of goods and services related to computing. It was registered in New Mexico in 1976 after being formed the year before by two childhood friends. Here's how Microsoft was founded and a brief summary of the company's history.

Microsoft geek who dreamed of a computer in every home
sumber of photos : https://www.scmp.com/

Two Computer Geeks

Before Paul Allen and Bill Gates co-founded Microsoft, they were avid computer geeks in an age when access to computers was hard to come by. Allen and Gates even skipped high school classes to live and breathe in their school's computer room. Eventually, they hacked the school's computer and were caught, but instead of being expelled, they were offered unlimited computer time in exchange for helping to improve the school computer's performance.

With the help of partner Paul Gilbert, Gates and Allen ran their own small company, Traf-O-Data, while in high school and sold a computer to the city of Seattle for counting city traffic.
Bill Gates drop out of Harvard University
sumber of photos : What's What Team

Bill Gates, Harvard Dropout

In 1973, Gates left Seattle to attend Harvard University as a pre-law student. However, Gates' first love never left him as he spent most of his time in Harvard's computer center, where he kept improving his programming skills. Soon Allen moved to Boston as well, working as a programmer and pressuring Gates to leave Harvard so they could work together full time on their projects. Gates was uncertain of what to do, but fate stepped in.

The Birth of Microsoft

In January 1975, Allen read an article in Popular Electronics magazine about the Altair 8800 microcomputer and showed it to Gates. Gates called MITS, makers of the Altair, and offered his and Allen's services to write a version of the new BASIC programming language for the Altair.

After eight weeks, Allen and Gates demonstrated their program to MITS, which agreed to distribute and market the product under the name Altair BASIC. The deal inspired Gates and Allen to form their own software company. Thus, Microsoft was started on April 4, 1975 in Albuquerque, New Mexico—the home of MITS—with Gates as the first CEO.

Where the Name 'Microsoft' Came

On July 29, 1975, Gates used the name "Micro-Soft"—which had been suggested by Allen—in a letter to Allen referring to their partnership. The name, a portmanteau of "microcomputer" and "software," was registered with the New Mexico secretary of state on Nov. 26, 1976.

In August 1977, less than a year later, the company opened its first international office. The branch, located in Japan, was called ASCII Microsoft. In 1979, the company moved to Bellevue, Washington, and two years later it incorporated under the name Microsoft Inc. Gates was president of the company and chairman of the board, and Allen was executive vice president.

What did Microsoft logo history begin with?

So, what were Microsoft company founders thinking, designing their first logo, the so-called “groovy logo”? Maybe they came across a vinyl plate. And that’s why they’ve chosen disco Microsoft logo font. However, it was alright in 70s. But in 80s a completely new music style became popular. Metallica band was hitting the charts, and its label inspired new version of Microsoft logo.

The company wasn’t as popular back then, but sales were good. Maybe this saved it when Metallica charged the company. Nevertheless, this logo bored the company and was removed.

In general, none of these variations is interesting or remarkable. It simply looks as plagiarism of popular music bands. That’s why none of them is remembered now. But not the next Microsoft logo evolution option!

A Beginning of Success

It is with this logo Microsoft company finally became well-known. The logo was applied to the first hardware output in 1980s. It was Z-80 SoftCard device. It helped to run CP/M OS on a computer. And it was a real breakthrough! That might just be the reason why the has stayed for a long time. 

Initially, it was planned to use a hyphen in the name. But Micro-Soft was rejected for some reasons. An original “O” letter element, with a dash in it, led to Microsoft logo nicknaming. It was called pac-man in the company and it stayed with the logo for years. After a tremendous success with the development of SoftCard, IBM company asked Microsoft for help. They asked Bill Gates to develop an analog of CP/M OS for their new IBM PC. And, as we know, Microsoft solved the problem brilliantly be creating MS-DOS. It later became a basis for IBM PC and other similar computers of that time. 

Talking about Microsoft logo, we simply can’t stay silent regarding their main success. It is Windows, the one we all know and love. If we look at the very first icon we’ll recognize a simple window in it, simple as it is. “Windows” are basis and idea of Windows OS, its ease of operating with small programs fit in windows. Without it we can’t imagine modern smartphones or netbooks. Quite contradictory, but as Windows icon was developing, it was resembling a window less with each new change adopted.

Contemporary Microsoft Logo Design

As computers evolved into exquisite household feature, Microsoft decided to alter its firm style in 2013. When the company asked designers for help, they asked a question in return: “Why does your OS called Windows, but its icon looks like a flag?”. And so, they had to rebrand, getting back to the origins, so to say. The label was drawn in a trendy flat-design, and it looks rather up-to-date. Maybe it looks a bit dull, but it’s got to remain recognizable and clear. The renewed Windows icon even had the honor of becoming part of Microsoft logo image, as it is this very OS that has glorified the company!


  1. What is the title of this discussion?(The history of microsoft Logo)
  2. Where is the location of Microsoft's founding?( Albuquerque, New Mexico)
  3. When Microsoft was founded?( 4 April 1975)
  4. Who was the one who was first invited to cooperate with Paul Allen and Bill Gates?(MITS)
  5. Why metalica is charging the microsoft company (because the microsot logo is similar to the metalica band logo)
  6. How the fate of the two of them after Microsoft stood up? (Bill Gates became president of the company and chair of the board, and Allen was executive vice president.)


  • They hacked the school's computer and were caught
  • They asked Bill Gates to develop an analog of CP/M OS for their new IBM PC
  • They asked a question in return
  • Gates left Seattle to attend Harvard University as a pre-law student
  • Allen moved to Boston as well


  • Microsoft Corporation is an American technology company headquartered in Redmond, Washington
  • Windows are basis and idea of Windows OS
  • Microsoft was started on April 4, 1975 in Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • The label was drawn in a trendy flat-design
  • and Allen was executive vice president

Present Tense


Active to



  • Headquartered : berkantor pusat
  • Portmanteau : tas
  • Nevertheless : Namun
  • Remarkable : luar biasa
  • Exquisite : sangat indah


Microsoft Corporation adalah perusahaan teknologi Amerika yang berkantor pusat di Redmond, Washington, yang mendukung penemuan, pembuatan, dan lisensi barang dan jasa yang berkaitan dengan komputasi. Itu terdaftar di New Mexico pada tahun 1976 setelah dibentuk tahun sebelumnya oleh dua teman masa kecil. Inilah cara Microsoft didirikan dan ringkasan singkat tentang sejarah perusahaan.

Dua Pecandu Komputer

Sebelum Paul Allen dan Bill Gates mendirikan Microsoft, mereka adalah pecandu komputer yang keranjingan di zaman ketika akses ke komputer sulit didapat. Allen dan Gates bahkan melewatkan kelas sekolah menengah untuk tinggal dan bernapas di ruang komputer sekolah mereka. Akhirnya, mereka meretas komputer sekolah dan tertangkap, tetapi bukannya dikeluarkan, mereka ditawari menggunakan komputer tanpa batas sebagai imbalan karena membantu meningkatkan kinerja komputer sekolah.Dengan bantuan mitra Paul Gilbert, Gates dan Allen menjalankan perusahaan kecil mereka sendiri, Traf-O-Data, ketika di sekolah menengah dan menjual komputer ke kota Seattle untuk menghitung lalu lintas kota.

Bill Gates, keluar dari Harvard

Pada tahun 1973, Gates meninggalkan Seattle untuk kuliah di Universitas Harvard sebagai mahasiswa pra-hukum. Namun, cinta pertama Gates tidak pernah meninggalkannya ketika ia menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya di pusat komputer Harvard, tempat ia terus meningkatkan keterampilan pemrogramannya. Segera Allen pindah ke Boston juga, bekerja sebagai programmer dan menekan Gates untuk meninggalkan Harvard agar mereka dapat bekerja sama penuh waktu dalam proyek-proyek mereka. Gates tidak yakin apa yang harus dilakukan

Kelahiran Microsoft

Pada Januari 1975, Allen membaca sebuah artikel di majalah Popular Electronics tentang komputer mikro Altair 8800 dan menunjukkannya kepada Gates. Gates menelepon MITS, pembuat Altair, dan menawarkan jasa Allen dan Allen untuk menulis versi bahasa pemrograman BASIC baru untuk Altair.

Setelah delapan minggu, Allen dan Gates menunjukkan program mereka kepada MITS, yang setuju untuk mendistribusikan dan memasarkan produk dengan nama Altair BASIC. Kesepakatan itu menginspirasi Gates dan Allen untuk membentuk perusahaan perangkat lunak mereka sendiri. Dengan demikian, Microsoft dimulai pada 4 April 1975 di Albuquerque, New Mexico .rumah MITS dengan Gates sebagai CEO pertama.

Darimana Nama 'Microsoft' Berasal 

Pada 29 Juli 1975, Gates menggunakan nama "Micro-Soft" —yang telah disarankan oleh Allen — dalam sebuah surat kepada Allen yang merujuk pada kemitraan mereka. Nama, portmanteau "komputer mikro" dan "perangkat lunak," telah didaftarkan pada Menteri Luar Negeri New Mexico pada 26 November 1976.

Pada Agustus 1977, kurang dari setahun kemudian, perusahaan membuka kantor internasional pertamanya. Cabang, yang terletak di Jepang, disebut ASCII Microsoft. Pada tahun 1979, perusahaan pindah ke Bellevue, Washington, dan dua tahun kemudian perusahaan itu didirikan dengan nama Microsoft Inc. Gates adalah presiden perusahaan dan ketua dewan, dan Allen adalah wakil presiden eksekutif.

Apa yang telah terjadi dengan sejarah logo Microsoft?

Jadi, apa yang dipikirkan oleh pendiri perusahaan Microsoft, mendesain logo pertama mereka, yang disebut "logo asyik"? Mungkin mereka menemukan piring vinil. Dan itulah sebabnya mereka memilih logo Microsoft disko. Namun, itu baik-baik saja di tahun 70an. Tetapi di tahun 80an gaya musik yang benar-benar baru menjadi populer. Band Metallica memukul tangga lagu, dan labelnya menginspirasi versi baru dari logo Microsoft.

Perusahaan itu tidak sepopuler saat itu, tetapi penjualannya bagus. Mungkin hal ini yang menyelamatkannya ketika Metallica menagih perusahaan. Namun demikian, logo ini membuat perusahaan bosan dan kemudian dihapus.

Secara umum, tidak ada variasi yang menarik atau luar biasa. Itu hanya terlihat sebagai plagiarisme dari band-band musik populer. Itu sebabnya tidak ada yang diingat sekarang. Tapi bukan opsi evolusi logo Microsoft berikutnya!

Awal dari kesuksesan

Dengan logo ini perusahaan Microsoft akhirnya menjadi terkenal. Logo itu diterapkan pada output perangkat keras pertama pada 1980-an. Itu adalah perangkat SoftCard Z-80. Ini membantu menjalankan CP / M OS di komputer. Dan itu adalah terobosan nyata! Itu mungkin saja alasan mengapa mereka bertahan lama.

Awalnya, direncanakan menggunakan tanda hubung dalam nama. Tetapi Micro-Soft ditolak karena beberapa alasan. Elemen huruf "O" yang asli, dengan tanda hubung di dalamnya, mengarah ke julukan logo Microsoft. Itu disebut pac-man di perusahaan dan tetap dengan logo selama bertahun-tahun. Setelah sukses luar biasa dengan pengembangan SoftCard, perusahaan IBM meminta bantuan Microsoft. Mereka meminta Bill Gates untuk mengembangkan analog CP / M OS untuk PC IBM baru mereka. Dan, seperti yang kita tahu, Microsoft memecahkan masalah dengan cemerlang menciptakan MS-DOS. Ini kemudian menjadi dasar untuk IBM PC dan komputer sejenis lainnya pada waktu itu.

Berbicara tentang logo Microsoft, kami tidak bisa tinggal diam mengenai kesuksesan utama mereka. Ini adalah Windows, yang kita semua tahu dan cintai. Jika kita melihat ikon pertama, kita akan mengenali jendela sederhana di dalamnya, semudah itu. "Windows" adalah dasar dan gagasan OS Windows, kemudahan pengoperasian dengan program kecil yang sesuai di windows. Tanpanya kita tidak bisa membayangkan smartphone atau netbook modern. Cukup kontradiktif, tetapi karena ikon Windows berkembang, itu menyerupai jendela.

Desain logo Microsoft kontemporer 

Ketika komputer berevolusi menjadi fitur rumah tangga yang sangat baik, Microsoft memutuskan untuk mengubah gaya perusahaannya pada tahun 2013. Ketika perusahaan meminta bantuan desainer, mereka mengajukan pertanyaan sebagai balasan: "Mengapa OS Anda disebut Windows, tetapi ikonnya terlihat seperti candela?" . Jadi, mereka harus mengubah citra, kembali ke asal, begitu kata mereka. Label ini dibuat dengan desain datar yang trendi, dan terlihat agak baru. Mungkin terlihat agak membosankan, tetapi harus tetap dikenali dan jelas. Ikon Windows yang diperbarui bahkan mendapat kehormatan menjadi bagian dari gambar logo Microsoft, karena OS inilah yang telah memuliakan perusahaan!


Microsoft Corporation is an American technology company headquartered in Redmond, Washington, that supports the invention, manufacturing, and licensing of goods and services related to computing. It was registered in New Mexico in 1976 after being formed the year before by two childhood friends. Here's how Microsoft was founded and a brief summary of the company's history.
Reason: The writer used simple past tense because he explain a story that it has happened.

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